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德国HANK汉克阀门成立于1852年创建于门兴格拉德巴赫(Monchengladbach)是位于德国北莱茵的一座城市, -威斯特*州*府杜塞尔多夫市以西的一座城市。于19世纪50年代初德国经济快速发展,由于德国能源短缺,*在*方面*力度,因此HANK(Trouble Less Valve没有故障的阀门)公司成立。汉克阀门是以生产*、*的阀门、测量及控制系统而*的跨国性生产企业,在*几十个*拥有子公司及分支机构,公司产品涉及用途:石油、化工、电力、冶金、制药、食品、水处理、市政给排水、天然气、造纸、电子工业、楼宇、机械设备配套等领域。 GERMANY HANK VALVE LIMITED is founded on 1852 in Monchengladbach,which is located at one city in North Rhine in Germany, which is the west of Nordrhein-Westfalen. At the beginning of 1850s, as the rapid development of economic and the shortages of energy in Germany , the * had been in saving energy aspect. On this occasion, HANK valve (Trouble Less Valve) was established.Hank valve is the world-famous transnational production enterprise,which produces high quality and advanced valve, measurement and control system, and which has its divisions and branches in dozens of countries in the global. The company products user involves the petroleum, the chemical industry, the electric power, the metallurgy, the drugs manufacture, food, the water treatment, the municipal administration to give draining water, the natural gas, the papermaking, the electronics industry, the building, the mechanical device necessary ect.. The German HANK valve main product includes: the ball valve, the gate valve, the solenoid valve,the needle valve,the butterfly valve,the check valve,the shut-off valve,the safety valve,the adjusting valve,the drain valve,the plug valve,the diaphragm valve,the exhaust valve,the breathing valve,the filter,the falme arrester,the angle valve,the balance valve,the pressure reducing valve,the block valve,the high pressure valve,the pneumatic valve,the mortorized valve,the steam valves, ect., series import valve. 我公司并代理几大*阀门品牌:德国威乐(WILO)阀门、德国格兰富(Grundfos)阀门、日本北泽阀门(KITZ)、日本阀天阀门(VENN)、日本日立阀门(HITACHI)欢迎来电咨询、订购。 Our company is the agency of some famous imported brand, which includes German HANK valve, German GRUNDFOS valve, Japan KITZ valve, Japan VENN valve, Japan HITACHI valve. Welcome to call to consel and order. 德国汉克阀门的价值理念概括为:责任-远见-*。我们因自身的责任感、远见及专注于**的解决方案和理念,而成为**的阀门制造商。 The conclusion of the value concept in German Hank valve is resposibility,foresight,innovation. For ourselves resposibility, foresight and focusing on creating unprecendented solution and concept,our company has become the lead of valve manufacturer in the global. **阀相关产品: 德国汉克阀门『**阀、汉克*阀』产品:*弹簧全启式*阀、*波纹管平衡式*阀、**益流阀、*脉冲式*阀、*真空*阀、*先导式*阀、*保温夹套*阀、*内装式*阀、*空压机*阀、液化石油气*阀、双联弹簧式*阀、平行式*回流阀、高温高压*阀、弹簧微启式外螺纹*阀、波纹管式*阀、蒸汽*阀、气体*阀、燃气*阀、煤气*阀、*回流阀、铜*阀. **阀概述 *阀是一种由*静压开启的自动泄压*护装置,它是压力容器*为重要的*附件之一,它的功能是:当容器内压力*过某*值时,依靠介质自身的压力自动开启阀门,*排出*数量的介质。当容器内的压力降到允许值时,阀又自动关闭,使容器内压力*低于允许压力的上限,自动*因*压而可能出现的事故,所以*阀又被称为压力容器的*终保护装置。*阀根据工作压力能自动启闭,一般安装于封闭系统的设备或管路上保护系统*。*阀属于自动阀类,主要用于锅炉、压力容器和管道上,控制压力不*过规定值,对人身*和设备运行起重要保护作用。*阀是一种*保护用阀,它的启闭件受外力作用下处于常闭状态,当设备或管道内的介质压力升高,*过规定值时自动开启,通过向系统外排放介质来*管道或设备内介质压力*过规定数值。当设备或管道内压力*过规定值时,即自动开启泄压,*设备和管道内介质压力在规定数值以内,*发生事故。阀门自动开启,介质从中泄出、减压;当压力回到正常值时,弹簧压力又将阀芯推向阀座,阀门自动关闭。*阀类的作用是*管路或装置中的介质压力*过规定数值,从而**保护的目的。 <a href= https://www.0755valves.com target="_blank" title="*阀门">*阀门</a> <a href=https://www.0755fm.com/ target="_blank" title="深圳阀门">深圳阀门</a> <a href=https://www.szdzvalves.com/ target="_blank" title="东泽阀门网站">东泽阀门网站</a> <a href=https://www.0755famen.com/ target="_blank" title="东泽阀门行业网站">东泽阀门行业网站</a> <a href=https://www.0755ksb.com/ target="_blank" title="凯士比阀门">凯士比阀门</a> |